Articulate Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 22, 2024

We take privacy seriously here at Cromulent Labs. And we know that you don't want to wade through a bunch of legalese, so here is our privacy policy in plain English.


We are not spammers and we will not send you any unsolicited email. We make our money through subscriptions. Any data we collect is only used to provide AI responses, to properly account for the number of AI responses remaining, to facilitate debugging and support, and to measure the success of our advertising.


We don't collect or store any device information or personal information about you in our app. We will not sell any information we receive from you to any third party. Since you don't have to create an account to use Articulate, we don't have access to any of your personal information like email address, phone number or Apple ID.

We generate a unique account ID for each Articulate user which is used to keep track of how many AI tutor responses you have remaining. If you purchase an App Store subscription, this account ID is tied to the subscription so that your response count can be incremented when your subscription renews. There is no email address, phone number, Apple ID, or any personal information available to or stored with the account.

If you speak with our AI tutors, the recorded audio file is sent to our servers in order to convert it to text. The audio and resulting transcription of the audio is sent to our AI partners in order to provide a response. The audio and resulting transcript is not stored or used in any other way other than to provide a response via our AI tutors. Transcriptions of your responses may end up in logs on our server for debugging purposes, but those logs aren't associated with you in any way and are deleted every 60 days.

If you choose to share your Advertising ID, we use that to more accurately track conversions of our advertising campaigns. It is only shared with advertising partners (Apple, Google, Facebook) and isn't associated with your account or any other information you provide in our app. No other data you provide in our app is shared with our advertising partners.



We use OpenAI to convert your speech into text and in order to provide our AI responses via their APIs. We don't send any other information or identifiers to them.

You can view OpenAI's privacy policy here:


We use Anthropic in order to provide our AI responses via their APIs. We don't send any other information or identifiers to them.

You can view Anthropic's privacy policy here:


We use RevenueCat's SDK to help process our in-app payments. We share your Articulate account ID with RevenueCat in order to match your Articulate account with your App Store subscription in RevenueCat. They may also collect additional information via their SDK.

You can view RevenueCat's privacy policy here:


We use Google's Firebase and Crashlytics SDKs to report to us important events and when the app crashes so that we can fix these crashes as soon as possible. We also use it to track the success of our advertising campaigns. If you choose to share your Advertising ID, we may share it with Google/Firebase/Crashlytics. They may also collect additional information via their SDKs.

You can view Firebase's privacy policy here:

Facebook SDK

We use Meta Facebook's SDK to measure our advertising campaigns. If you choose to share your advertising ID, it will be shared with Facebook in order to measure the success of our advertising. They may also collect additional information via their SDKs.

You can view Firebase's privacy policy here:


Cromulent Labs uses reasonable efforts to help protect your personal information against unauthorized access and unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction. However, we cannot guarantee that your personal information will be absolutely protected. For example, your personal information may be affected by actions outside of our control, such as computer "hacking" and physical theft. You acknowledge that you provide your personal information at your own risk.


If you would like us to delete your account, please email your Account ID (located in the About screen in the app, long press to copy) to us at please enable javascript to view.


We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. We will post all changes to this Privacy Policy on this page and will indicate at the top of the page the modified policy's effective date.


If you have any questions, please contact us at please enable javascript to view.